marionette show 2

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

back from holidays.

sorry for the super late post, i am back in SG after my holiday. i went to manila, and as usual, it feels great to be back home. i stayed at our new house for the first time, i think we shifted to the new house a month ago. its still bare, but its live-able, i can't wait for it to be complete. i loved it there, its something new, and just really really nice after my 27 years of existence.

everytime i go back home, i realize how i am missing out on things that are happening, and all that - actually this SG stint is good as i do appreciate things so much more - like my family, spending time with them is one of the best things i could ever ask for.

i also am appreciative for the fact that my cousins would go out of their way to see me, lin for example. achi mai, twing, chops, and everyone else - it just feels great to be sitting and chatting with them - it feels great, and just that certainty that there are those people who will support you no matter what.

i promised to donate to UNICEF a few weeks back - and i did that today, registered my credit card. it feels good to be able to give back, in my small little way. and i encourage everyone to do so. now, i have 2 kids under worldvision + a unicef donation + haiti relief. my only wish is to be in a position where i could do so much more to help those in need, as i really feel so much blessed. not that i have a lot of money, but whenever going gets tough, i count the things i am thankful for rather than looking at the glass half empty.

my family aside from my dad went to taipei for a holiday - i was the one who planned the entire trip (who else?!) - i wish dad could have been there with us, so we could have spent more time together. actually out of town trips are not a MUST, but it enhances the bonding experience i had with them - going thru things for the first time, stuck with each other even if we don't like it anymore (haha), and just really being there with them, is a great gift for me. if you want to see photos of my taipei trip, check my FB account, its all there. (tamad to upload, sorry!)

two days ago, while in the cab on the way home, the cab driver asked me why i was not applying for PR, he thinks that i am suitable, and will have a brighter future here vs in manila. i was thinking, is this a sign that the LORD is giving me, to focus on my career and stay here? - so i told him my reasons why i want to go home. i told him that

a) i want to spend time with my family - have missed them for the past 4 years already. my parents are not getting any younger, so if i can really spend quality time with them to talk, enjoy the things around us, and experience things at the same time - i will be forever grateful.

b) i have never considered to apply for PR in SG - as i know that in the long run, i will be heading home. i was here with a goal in mind, and i think i have achieved it somehow, from personal to career goals. SG has been extremely nice to me, but at the end of the day, its a personal choice.

c) one of my friends asked me why i want to go back home since everything is going great from a career standpoint, or that i have met lots of friends here already. i told her, there are just things that you know - whats right for you, rather than being stuck in a safe place. i am not a risk taker and i want to believe that in the right time, i will be taking that risk, and will be happy and satisfied about my decision. the only thing that is keeping me from moving back is that condo that i am currently paying for, by may 2011 - i have paid the 50%, and will be paying the other 50% by 1st quarter of 2012. thats good as it gives me more time, and i can plan my life accordingly.


anyway, thats a lot of non-sense talk, i have missed writing in this blog. now, my energies will be focused to that japan trip in august. hopefully, it does happen, and i cannot wait to see the land of the rising sun. :)


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