marionette show 2

food. desserts. cakes. coffe. ice creams. fab finds. quirky items. rants. raves. dreams. wants. needs. music. fashion. pictures. friends. family.

Monday, October 19, 2009

500 days of summer.

i went to the movies yesterday to watch 500 days of summer. i liked the movie, though i slept for a quick 10 seconds. HAHAHA! it was a very different movie, it was full of emotions, yet gives you hope at the end. it was like a not so happy yet happy ending kind of movie, if that even makes sense.

the rest of the sunday was composed of this:

i love donuts - and my favorite would be bavarian, boston creme and chocolate nut.

cheryl happy to have her donuts

cheryl and franco at dunkin donuts

cheryl was trying on this hat -- she looked like jan di (the girl from boys over flowers). hahaha!

cheryl, franco and i had fun buying and trying winter outfits. hahaha! we will go to a thermal wear sale really soon with ryan in kaki avenue.


anyway, am cooking my ramen lunch, and will meet mech in a while to watch tokyo sonata and have dinner with mech and sel. i hope this week will be a great one.


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