marionette show 2

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

nice client.

i had my first annual plans presentation yesterday, the presentation happened in 2 1/2 hours, and after that i had to meet some media owners with my client, while my team went back to office already.

can i just say, i like my brand people, they are the nicest people in the world. (yes, exagerating, anyway the point is just that i really like them).. since the BM went out for some phone calls, she went in, and since she was sitting beside me she asked me for updates, so i updated her, and clarified a lot of things/issues with MO, just to make sure everything is clear and aligned.

so after the meeting, she was saying..
"hey, i have not received any emails from you..." - BM
"yeah, i was very busy with the presentation" - ME
"yeah, i was like its impossible that anton is not emailing updates.." - BM
"haha. sorry for following up every single time.."
"no, we love you in our team..." - BM

shiyet.. she is the one of the nicest client, i mean to be fair, i have a lot of nice clients before dati pa naman, but it just made my day. :)


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