marionette show 2

food. desserts. cakes. coffe. ice creams. fab finds. quirky items. rants. raves. dreams. wants. needs. music. fashion. pictures. friends. family.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


it was one of my family members' birthday - pia julia pronstrollers to be exact. it was fun though i came late from a previous engagement, arriving at 11.30pm in victoria court pasig - austin powers room. it was definitely a fun party, and looking at how everything went, it looked like she had tons of fun.

how should i describe her? she is one crazy woman, but i am crazy too at times. and she is one dear friend. a friend that i am really thankful for, a friend that i will always be there for. i hope and pray that good things will come her way, that she will always be happy. that she continues to learn all the valuable lessons that life has to offer and still enjoy the best things in life. i learned from her that every person needs to be a child at heart. to experience things and live life to the fullest. its weird, but yeah i did learn it from her in a very indirect manner. i learned to follow what i want. i also continue to believe in myself because of all the things she showed me.

i adore my friend to bits.

everyone @ the austin power shag room

with my GASSO girls.

julia, the birthday girl

the gang, ex and present gasso peeps

cuptails by reena

with bede and jeff (friends from high school)

paulo and julia with me

shucks. may upcoming senti post ako after, actually not senti but looking at things lang. HAHAHA!


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