marionette show 2

food. desserts. cakes. coffe. ice creams. fab finds. quirky items. rants. raves. dreams. wants. needs. music. fashion. pictures. friends. family.

Friday, April 20, 2007


i should be fine. i should be fine. i should be fine.
i keep trying to convince myself that i should be fine.
well, as they say, think positive lang and attract good vibes.
uwe, uwe, uwe, uwe, uwe.....

i know that things are hard and its a bit difficult right now, but
i look forward to a better day, a brighter one.
i hope something good comes out of this, i just know it.
i keep reminding myself to smile, and take it in stride.

next week would be a bit difficult.
kelly's last day was today, and she has been one of my good friends.
rebecca went off to china, and will be back the week after next.
so i have no one really. if rebecca's gone, then i'm done as well.

we have this dynamic friendship.
we keep ourselves entertained thru the hardest times.
we keep each other company too, dinner here, dinner there..
kelly's last words to me before she left, was .. "don't die..."
rebecca's words were .."don't give me that face.."


ey, funny, hold on played at my itunes, i downloaded this song since it was like our theme song with gasso peeps when we were at maru-maru. actually i never knew this song, it was just that i learned it from julia when she was singing it. i miss all of them. i miss fun memories, and fun activities back in manila. i miss my friends. i miss family. shyet. para kasi akong kabayong nagtratrabaho rito. anyway, fast forward to 3rd quarter please. that is the only thing that keeps me going actually, looking forward na to go home (for good)! YAYAYA!

yehey friday!


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